175 kW Solar Project for NJ Public Health, Environmental, Agricultural Lab- (Shop DWGs to HOK Group)
Project Data
End-User: NJ Public Health Environmental Agricultural Laboratory
Installer: Hatzel Buehler, Inc.
Location: Trenton, New Jersey
Date of install: October 2006
Size of system in kW: 175kW
Energy produced since installation: 1,800 MWh
Special Challenges Met: Construction Schedule
Architect: HOK
Project Brief:
2.3 Recommended PhotoVoltaic Module:
TurtleEnergy is using the Solar World SW-175 Mono 175 watt Sunmodule for this system. The Sunmodule Plus heralds an innovative new module concept from SolarWorld AG. The fully automated production process at the SolarWorld factories creates a quality of module that is consistently high, which in turn will ensure high yields for the long term. The module frame and the glass it surrounds are firmly attached to each other by silicone that is applied with continuous precision. This guarantees exceptional rigidity for the entire module and stops any possible loosening of the frame as a result of strong outward forces in cases such as sliding of heavy snow. Tests carried out in accordance with IEC 61215, applying loads up to 5.4 kN/m2, confirm that the module can withstand heavy accumulations of snow and ice. The patented, flat and compact junction box provides perfect protection against corrosion, as well as a capacity to rapidly rid itself of any excess heat providing high temperature handling. The junction box is reliably connected by a solid, welded bond to guarantee lasting functionality. In addition, high-quality, robust cables with factory equipped connectors are used. The ability to recycle the modules and a 25-year performance warranty are the finishing touches to this top-quality concept.
As can be seen in the adjoining list of eligible photovoltaic modules, the SolarWorld module has a leading product efficiency. Only the Sanyo 175W HIT module has a higher efficiency in this list of 160W-181W modules. This list has been prepared by the California Energy Commission and can be viewed at:
* PTC refers to PVUSA Test Conditions, which were developed to test and compare PV systems as part of the PVUSA (Photovoltaics for Utility Scale Applications) project. PTC are 1,000 Watts per square meter solar irradiance, 20 degrees C air temperature, and wind speed of 1 meter per second at 10 meters above ground level. PV manufacturers use Standard Test Conditions, or STC, to rate their PV products. STC are 1,000 Watts per square meter solar irradiance, 25 degrees C cell temperature, air mass equal to 1.5, and ASTM G173-03 standard spectrum. The PTC rating, which is lower than the STC rating, is generally recognized as a more realistic measure of PV output because the test conditions better reflect “real-world” solar and climatic conditions, compared to the STC rating. All ratings in the list are DC (direct current) watts.
Neither PTC nor STC account for all “real-world” losses. Actual solar systems will produce lower outputs due to soiling, shading, module mismatch, wire losses, inverter and transformer losses, shortfalls in actual nameplate ratings, panel degradation over time, and high-temperature losses for arrays mounted close to or integrated within a roofline. These loss factors can vary by season, geographic location, mounting technique, azimuth, and array tilt. Examples of estimated losses from varying factors can be found at:
2.5. Balance of System
Module interconnect wires and output cables will be sunlight resistant outdoor rated wiring without conduit. Wiring from the arrays to the inverters will be in sunlight resistant outdoor rated wiring and/or conductors in surface mounted EMT conduit. All DC wiring will use copper conductors sized to minimize IR (voltage) losses to 3% or less of the nominal system voltage. A DC disconnect switch rated for 600V will be provided for each inverter.
PV array combiner boxes are included in the array configuration. Each combiner box includes fuses and surge suppression. The combiner boxes also facilitate the safe operation and troubleshooting of the array by providing easily accessible test points. TurtleEnergy will provide all module interconnect wiring and panel output cables to the combiner boxes; and wire and conduit from the combiner boxes to the disconnect switches; and wiring from the inverter to the point of interconnection at the main switchboard as indicated on the project drawings.
The electrical installation will conform to the applicable portions of the 2002 National Electrical Code. UL listed components will be used where available, and all DC related hardware will be rated for DC applications.
2.6 Monitoring System
Our proposal includes a state-of-the-art monitoring system that will gather and record weather related and system performance parameters as outlined below. In addition, our proposal includes a website driven display of this data along with the appropriate environmental attributes – i.e.: pounds of CO2 or SO2 avoided, equivalent formulas for barrels of oil or tons of coal, etc. We will work with you to develop a website display that meets your objectives. The monitoring system will include a high-quality datalogger and communications equipment for displaying this information on the worldwide web or on-site computer terminal. This system provides a high-visibility means to communicate the system performance. Parameters from the system (as well as other messages) can be displayed.
We will provide a data logging system which will include the following:
Multi Channel Data Logger to monitor the following parameters
Real-time Power, Sunlight, Wind Speed, Air Temperature and
Instantaneous system output (kW)
Cumulative energy production (kWh)
Real-time website display usually includes AC watts output, insolation, wind speed, temperature, time, location, and digital pictures of the PV installation.
The monitoring system will include a high-quality data logger and communications equipment for displaying this information on the worldwide web or on-site computer terminal. This system provides a high-visibility means to communicate the system performance. Parameters from the system (as well as other messages) can be displayed. We will provide a data logging system which will include the following:
Multi Channel Data Logger to monitor the following parameters: Real-time Power, Sunlight, Wind Speed, Air Temperature and Instantaneous system output (kW) Cumulative energy production (kWh).
· Internet Broadcast Device and modem for data collection (Customer must provide Ethernet connection to internet & telephone line)
· Power supply, battery, NEMA3R enclosure, assembly, programming, Testing, and full documentation.
· Five years of Real-Time internet display with website hosting by Fat Spaniel Technologies.
· Five years of historical charting and data analysis.
· Complete custom integration of system data and website.
TurtleEnergy, through Fat Spaniel Technologies- the nation’s leading supplier of monitoring and instrumentation for PV systems can offer a full range of systems and services to include real-time displays, internet connectivity, etc. For a sample of other projects using this real-time website display technology, we invite you to visit our web site at www.TurtleEnergy.com and view the case studies for a history of performance on multiple systems.