Neurological Research Institution associated with The Royal Institute of Neurology- Schematics
Architecture Firm: Devereux Partnership
Client: Royal Institute of Neurology
Site: Queen Square, London
Date of Project: 1993- 1995
Project Summary: This new building, sponsored by The Welcome Trust and The Royal Institute of Neurology- next-door-neighbor to the site of A Functional Brain Imaging Laboratory resulted in the demolition of St. John's House, an early twentieth century convent. In its place, a medical imaging lab for the study of episodic memory and other neurological conditions that utilized PET & MRI Scanning with an on-site Cyclotron (particle accelerator) and a Nuclear Medicine Lab (Blood Gas Analysis). The building probably should have been built in a green field site, away from the city- but for the critical relationship with the Royal Institute of Neurology (next door) the project was crammed into a footprint that was difficult to coordinate ground work, utilities and foundation structure and radiation protection.
John Millard's Role- I stayed with the project throughout all phases of design to construction when I joined the construction team and followed the project to construction completion as part of my RIBA Part III Case Study. There was one other (technical) architect working with me from design development to construction documents. We both reported to a principal in charge of the project.
Specific Role by John Millard: 1) Originate all CAD drawings, 2) Lead contact with Construction Management Team, 3) Coordinate Engineering Disciplines, 4) Communicate Equipment requirements from manufacturers to engineering team. 5) Produce all Schematic Phase Drawings for approval by Owner, 6) Produce all Design Development Phase Drawings for approval by Owner, 7) Produce all Construction Documentation Phase Drawings for approval by Owner/ CM.
1) Chapter One
a) Client introduction
b) Devereux Partnership Architects
c) The Site
d) The Brief
e) The Project Manager
f) The Structural Engineers
g) The Services Engineers
2) Chapter Two- Programming for A Functional Brain Imaging Laboratory:
a) The MRI suite
b) The Pet Camera
c) The Cyclotron
d) Ancilliary Functions
e) other functions
f) upper levels
3) Chapter Three- Planning A Functional Brain Imaging Laboratory:
a) The Architecfs Description of the Project
b) When council architects "make suggestions"
c) Preservation orders! third parties! project manager/ coordinator
d) Salvaging a scheme from the committee design
e) How retaining the Facade complicated the project
4) Chapter Four- Adjacent Properties:
a) The Project Manager as Arbitrator between Client Parties"
b) The Project Manager as Arbitrator between Client & Third Parties
e) Party-Walls & Payouts to Adjoining Owners
g) After all, whafs left for the architect to do?
5) Chapter Five- Why was an architect requitrecl to design F.B.I.L?
a) Labor Intensive nature of Healthcare Projects
b) The Requirement for Design & Planning
c) Architect as Quality Safeguard for Client
d) One comparison of JCT80 with Project Manager's Contract
e) Variation under Project Managed Contract v JCT 198
f) Variations in practice, on site
g) Health & Safety on the Project Managed Site
6) Chapter Six- Cost Over-runs Underground
a) The LEB Substation: exacerbating high cost civil works
b) when poor design coordination results in underground cost over-runs...
7) Chapter Seven- Scheme Design Stage
a) Evolution of radiation containment
b) The effect of Mass Concrete upon Substructural Design & Cost
c) Communications with Siemens
d) The effect of Scheme Design upon the Project Manager's perceptions
8) Chapter Eight- Detail Design" Tender of the MRI Suite
a) Radio frequency, Magnetic Waves, and Means of Escape
b) Ferrous implants in Human Beings and Health & Safety
c) Means of Escape from the MRI Suite
d) Tender Interviews for a magnetic shield
e) Coordination of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
9) Conclusion
Chapter 1- Client profile: The Institute of Neurology
A neuro-scientist named Dr. Richard Frackowiak and his colleagues from the Medical Research Council in Hammersmith developed new techniques for examining processes within the brain using modern imaging techniques. Dr. Frackowiak soon became frequently published in Nature Magazine and is a much sought after member of the medical scientific community.
The Wellcome Trust offered to incorporate Dr. Frackowiak into a leading role within a new arm of the Institute of Neurology called A Functional Imaging Laboratory. This would provide him with resources which would enable him to develop his research into cures for many neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's Disease.
The Devereux Partnership The Devereux Partnership began designing healthcare buildings in the late 1930s and have established themselves within mainstream healthcare architecture after their recent completion of the National Hospital Centre for Neurology & Neurosurgery in 1993. The success of this most recent project has meant that they have become short Iisted for manyhealthcare projects of late, and the Functional Imaging laboratory is one which is now under construction.
The Site: 12 Queen's Square An unlisted early 20th Century convent adjoined and was owned by the Institute of Neurology. This building was occupied by nurses of the National Hospital and had been planned to be decanted and demolished in preparation for the F.1. L. Project. Ifs existence within the surrounding Preservation Area became a source of conflict. A local conservation group attempted to have the building and a large plane Tree in the rear of the site listed by the D.o.E. Neither were listed buildings but pressure from the Bloomsbury Conservation Society provoked the planners to ·suggest- that the portland stone which formed the Piano Nobile should be retained if possible- intact and if not possible, then each stone surveyed, catalogued, and rebuilt as part of the main fa9ade which should resemble the existing building as much as possible. The following drawing describes the existing main elevation onto Queen's Square:
The Client Brief- Functional Brain Imaging laboratory According to minutes of the first design team meeting held on 24th February, 1993, the project manager stated that details for the brief are to be collected by talking to the relevant people at the Medical Research Council Unit at Hamr'Dersmith. This was indication enough that the client, who wanted to build a brain scanning laboratory had no brief to issue to the design team. Moreover, the Project Manager, who was the clienfs agent, gave this responsibility to the design team. This building, which should contain over £25M of electronic scanning equipment including a particle accelerator which constituted a class 1 radiation hazard was then entirely in the hands of RIBA qualified architects and appOinted consultants, none of whom were willing to accept responsibility for the performance of primary elements of the scheme such as the radiation shield. Never the less, they were willing to take the job on, with some assurance from the equipment manufacturer, Siemens PLC, that suggestions as to how to go about containing Gamma and Neutron Radiation would be forthcoming from Siemens. This meant that Siemens would perform calculations based on the known output of radiation from their two other cyclotrons which existed In the world and design a concrete maze to contain radiation based on these calculations. In addition to this, Siemens provided volumes of performance specifications which defined the operating tolerances of their equipment and the environmental requirements of the scanners themselves, of which I was personally responsible for having a working knowledge in order to design the general arrangements of the building. With the benefit of hindsight, the project manager should have allowed the Services Engineers more time to absorb the above requirements and then to accept strategic recommendations from the services engineers as to the way in which the services strategy could Inform the design of the building before proceeding with formal architectural preoccupations such as courtyards and copper roofs. Unfortunately, this did not happen. Instead, the services engineers found themselves restricted within a preconceived design which they then had to try to achieve compliance with what eventually became known as "the brier. To this day, a successful scheme has not been produced by the services engineers yet construction has begun. Services subcontractors are now expected to resolve the problems on site.
Mace Ud.- Project Managers
Problems which occurred before construction began started with the bankruptcy of the original project manager, Ake Larson, whose commitments associated with "The Ark" project in Hammersmith resulted in the demise of the U.K. subsidiary of that Swedish Firm. The person in charge of the project from Ake Larson's end carried the project to MACE Ltd, a well known group (ex-Bovls Construction Managers) of project managers in the City. There he became the F.I.L. Project Manager and has been the main coordinator of the project since discussion of a building to house the Functional Imaging Laboratory began. Were this responsibility left to an architect, the results might have been different. The suggested reasons for this will follow in the body of this paper. The Project Manager was responsible for so many aspects of the project that it is questionable whether the Devereux Partnership's role can be considered that of the traditional architects role. For example, Devereux was engaged by Mace under a bespoke contract (as were the other consultants and contractors) which left only Mace employed directly by the client. The Client consisted of two main parties, The Welcome Trust (who paid for the construction) and The Institute of Neurology (who owned the site and employed the expertise). The role of coordinating the client soon became a clear objective of the project manager when a dispute between the two part ownership of the site threatened the construction phase of the project just before demolition of the existing building began. The Project Manager helped to resolve this and many other third party disputes which erupted over the course of the project due to his stable character and determination to keep everyone involved contented yet on program and on budget. Coordination of the various disciplines involved in the project was never successfully achieved however, (whether perceived as the architecfs responsibility or the project manager's responsibility) and the consequences of this will not be fully known until the building's completion. Consultants on the project would unanimously agree that the project manager was best placed to perform a coordinating role. The Consultants were all employed by the Project Manager, therefore they could be considered to be in the best position to allocate blame when coordinating issues went awry. All Design Team meeting minutes were recorded by Mace and all actions called for were finalized by Mace. The minutes, a sampling of which are included In the appendix of this paper, are remarkably terse and devoid of comments or descriptions of the tensions and apprehensions which often prevailed on the design team. The Architects followed the instructions of the Project Manager even when a disagreement arose over the waterproofing (tanking) strategy arose. The architects were named as being responsible for keeping 25m of electronic equipment In the basement dry, and yet the project manager was able to silently veto the use of a certain service cavity drain waterproof membrane system. This system was favoured by the Architects and successfully implemented on previouS Devereux Buildings with Magnets in the basement including the National Hospital just across the square. However it was rejected on cost grounds, in favour of a less expensive "tried and tested" membrane. Other examples of over-turned decisions by the Architects which would ordinarily go unquestioned (or at best undefeated) by other Project Team Members will be touched on in this case study as will examples of the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the role of the project management-led project in general. Ultimately, the responsibility which the Project Manager has taken upon himself Is to see that the building is constructed on time and is built on budget, in fact, this is the primary reason for his involvement in the project ... Nevertheless, the experience which the Mace team brought with them was considerable in both the CMI Engineering, Quantity Surveying, and Construction Management related disciplines. The Construction Manager on site was previouSly the main Bovis Site Construction Manager on both the Lloyds Building by Richard Rogers Architects and The International Passenger Terminal at Waterloo Station by Nicholas Grimshaw Architects.
WS, Kenchlngton Ford - Structural Engineers
Kenchington Ford pic is an integrated engineering consultancy formed by the recent merger of Kenchington Little pic and the Brian Ford Partnership. The company provides a combination of over seventy years of traditional consultancy experience, restructured to fulfill the requirements of the future. The company has over 350 staff operating from offices In London, Barnett, Bradford, Cambridge, Chester, Dundee, Edinburgh, Edgbaston, Glasgow, Leeds, Nottingham, Plymouth, Putney and Winchester. Divisions have been created within the company to provide specialist services in support of the offices as well as undertaking commissions In their own right. Each division is based at a Kenchington Ford office and operates throughout the country.Projects range from reports, Inspections and feasibility studies to full design, supervision and project management commissions for work in the UK and abroad. Their clients include government agencies, local authorities, financial institutions, developers,commercial and industrial companies, fellow professionals and contractors. The Engineering Division includes Structural & Mechanical engineering, CMIEngineering, Transport & Highways, Site services, Environmental, Terotechnotogy, Technical Directorate, and the Quality Assurance Directorate. Kenchington Ford assemble the following principal personnel experienced in the type of work for each project- Project Director- has overall responsibility for the project. Ensures that appropriate resources are available, and acts as their point of contact with the client. :"'Project Engineer- manages the project and maintains the working interface between the design team principles. He has responsibility and overall design control of the project within the office. He develops the design and coordinates the production information in accordance with the program me. Review Engineer- experienced engineer not directly involved in the project and who Is responsible for monitoring the project including all technical and operational aspects. Kenchington Ford's involvement on the F.I.L. project in Queen's Square is restricted to a design role with all site supeNision restricted to the project managers Mace Ltd.
Services Engineers- Zisman Bowyer Partners- ZBP was formed in 1958 and specializes in the design, supeNision of construction and commissioning quantity surveying and cost control of mechanical and electrical building services. ZBP has wide experience in commercial, educational, hospital, industrial research and residential buildings. Their overall aim is to coordinate these seNices fully and to Integrate seNices effectively and economically with the building or development. Their activities in design and construction from involvement at inception and feasibility stages and supervision of construction to commissioning and examination of the building in the use fit into the R.I.B.A. and OOH plan of work and give a framework for cooperation at all stages with other members for the design, quantity suNeying and building terms. There are six partners and six associates with a total staff strength of 52, all based at Richmond. The firm's engineer work with coordinated multl-seNice groups with each group headed by a partner. There Is also a separate cost control engineering group specializing in cost planning and cost control during all stages of projects. This group also prepares mechanical and electrical bills of quantities. Since 1963 ZBP haveproduced bills for mechanical and electrical services for many projects. Design, Construction and Commissioning Study sessions are held for each project as work progresses to enable the experience and special abilities of members of different groups to contribute on all projects. Seminars are held with other design and building firms and after completion of a project clients representatives are invited to talk to the firm about the services and building in use in order to provide practical feedback. Close links are maintained with the Building ServIces Research and Information Association (BSRIA) where Zisman Bowyer & Partners are currently supporting four research projects: Maintenance Cost Information of Building Services The Study of Cable Management in Buildings Displacement Flow Ventilation Facilities Management The Practice s fully committed to Quality Assurance and is an active member of the first group proceeding towards QA certification under the CIBSE \ Bywater Technology auspices. The octMties and procedures which ZBP hove followed for many years have enabled them to monitor the qualify of work during all stages of design & construction, and have made a major contribution to their standing and reputation. These procedures have already formed a firm basis for their certification actMty. Zisman Bowyer & Partners role on the F.I.L. Project in Queen's Square is restricted to a design role with all site supervision restricted to the project managers Mace ltd.
Chapter 2- Programming a Functional Brain Imaging Laboratory
a) The Mri Suite-
*The magnet weighs approximately 15 tons and is founded on an independently piled raft which may not subside by more than O.06mm. It is approximately the same size as a car with a head clearance of 3700mm.
*The shielding requirements of the magnet make it possible to scan the tissue of a human being without any interference from the presence of moving ferrous objects (such as cars) or from the presence of radio frequency (such as Radio 1). Materials such as Pure Iron Sheeting shield from other ferrous objects and copper sheeting from radio frequency.
*The servicing requirements of the magnet require that the humidity of the room in which the Magnet is sited must not fluctuate more than 10 degrees degrees centigrade ... that there must be 6 air changes In that room per hour. .. and that various gasses and electricity must be supplied to the room through the various shields without compromising the integrity of those shields.
*The installation requirements of the magnet make it necessary that the wet trades of the building construction must be completed and sufficiently dry before the magnet may be delivered to the room ... also the magnet ships to the site in the form which is most compact but must still be able to fit into the room despite ifs size ...
*The effect of the magnetic field upon the environs of the laboratory and the adjacent properties means that no person wearing a pacemaker may approach the near vicinity if the magnet. That conventional computers and viewing screens may not be used near the magnet because of the magnetic media which they employ. The MRI computer room is sited next to the MRI examination room (as shown above) and encodes signals from the magnet into intelligible data which may be examined by the researchers of the laboratory. It also contains a helium reliquification plant which is used to conserve vaporized helium after cooling the magnet.
b) The Pet Camera-
*The Pet Camera (positron emission tomographer) is a scanner which follows the path of radio-nucleids in the blood stream of the patient. The Radlo-nucleids are injected into the patient's bloodstream or by inhaled radiated oxygen. The patient receives this treatment in a special treatment room, the location of which is critical in the programming of the Pet suite.
*lfs shielding requirement involves the use of boronated block-work because of the presence of the a radioactive patient in the examination room. *It's servicing requirements are unique to the PET exam room because of exhaled radionucleids, the air extract is dedicated to this room and discharges high level above the rooftop. All other air-change requirements are similar to the MRI exam room. There are also unique service connections between the PET and the Cyclotron including a lead shield pipe which serves the exam room with radiated oxygen. There are numerous electrical servicing requirements. It's installation requirements are less demanding than the MRI scanner in that there is no extreme slab movement requirements and the machine is easier to deliver to the site.
*the effect of the radiation upon the environs of the lab is to cause restricted access to unauthorized personnel in a variety of zones within the basement level. The procedure of simultaneous scanning on both machines is made more difficult as a result of their close proximity to each other. This is due to the constraint of the size of the site and not due to a lack of programming rigor.
c) The Particle Accelerator (Cyclotron)-
*the "target' is the location of the machine itself, the spot from which all gamma & neutron radiation emanate. It is responsible for the geometry of the maze which confounds the radiation from exiting the bunker and causing a health risk to people.
*The amount of radiation output by the cyclotron is considerable enough for the nuclear physicists which designed the shield to call for 500 tons of concrete to encase it.
*Materials which "slow down" gamma radiation have been specified to be admixed into the concrete at strategic points around the cyclotron such as the roof and the comers of the Maze. These materials vary but generally, a material known as "barytes" (extra high density aggregate) is being used in the roof and corners, and boronated plastic is used to line the walls of the maze.
*Geometry of the maze began as a contorted path around the mass of concrete which makes up the bunker but evolved into a simpler more usable shape which was rectangular and became so with the introduction of boronated plastiC to line the walls of the maze.
*The mass of the bunker required excessive underpinning of both the adjacent party walls to shore up the party wall foundations by an additional 2500mm.
*Foundations of the bunker consist of 24 piles spaced 2mm on centre, each with a diameter of 650mm to a depth of 1.0 meters. The frequency of these piles made access to the street for gas, electricity, drainage and water supplies nearly impossible as the bunker was located at the pavement end of the site leaving a 2.5 meter corridor under the slab to locate all of these services.
*The plant rooms of the project of which there are two, are primarily dedicated to the demands of the lower ground floor functions (described briefly above). One plant room is located directly above the fv1agnet, the other is located on the fifth (top) floor of the building. A detailed description of the plant in these rooms remains outside of the scope of this case study although certain issues relevant to the coordination of consultants by the architect may arise.
*The preparation room is where the patient is prepared for intake of radioisotope. MRI examined patients may also use this room to change clothing.
Underpavement Services Vaults In section
*The radio-pharmacy, sited next to the cyclone bunker is where the radioactive oxygen is first received, measured and contained for ingestion by the patient.
*The blood analysis room, sited next to the radio pharmacy is where patients blood is analysed for many different purposes related to the scanning process.
*the radioactive oxygen reservoirs are 55 gallon steel drums located in the northermost under-pavement vault where surplus radio-active oxygen is stored and contained while Irs half life is completed. After the gas has lost irs radioactivity, the gas is purged from the drums (later moved to 5th fl.) and released into the atmosphere.
*The electrical substation is where an 11,000 volt electricity main is stepped down by transformers for use by the cyclotron, the scanners, and by general office use at the laboratory. It is divided into two explosion-proof re-inforced concrete rooms which replace the 18th Century brick vaults beneath the pavement.
*The construction of these new vaults is programmed into three phases due to the fact that construction access into the site is restricted to passage over these areas. Phase 1 involved construction of the gas! water Intake room during temporary works! demolition package. Phase 2 Involved construction of the transformer room durtng foundation works package leaving existing vaults intact for construction access. Phase 3 is completed durtng subsequent stages of construction while access is gained over the cured rIc constructed phases 1 & 2. The stepped section of the building through the tree pit occurs in both north/south and east/ west planes. It also steps around the tree pit in plan so that the tree pit forms a volumetric origin which drives the simple geometry of the rest of the general arrangements so that it acts as an orienting reference for people using or visiting the building. As has already been said, it is also a source of natural light within the building which reinforces this re-orientation. How much more should a Brain Imaging Laboratory be designed to prevent the unfamiliar occupant! patient from getting lost or losing touch with his only refence to the outside world? Retention of the tight fenestration from the convent did little to sustain that reference thanks to the conservation minded, the architect has managed to achieve this strategy against all odds.
Ground Floor
Programming usable space around a central external feature is a formal planning technique which worked well in this building's more public spaces on ground floor but also at basement level and at first floor level. The conditions around the tree pit on these other levels are shown in the drawing above. All being well with the strategic strength of the architectural concept, the omission of a mechanical & electrical philosophy from this concept leaves the building with a divisive landscape feature which enhances the conception by other building professionals that the architect is failing in his obligation to be practical toward other issues such as artificial ventilation and cibce standard luminaire selection. Nevertheless, there was little compromise on the principle of the tree pit. While it reduced in size dramatically from the feasibility study, it's location next to the garden wall meant that there was no way to bulkhead services along the wall without externalizing the ducts as in the Lloyds of London building In the City of London. It also blocked the passage of ducts in the ceiling between the control rooms so that additional ducts had to be introduced to deal with the diversion. Other additional costs of the tree pit were the addition of three reinforced concrete retaining walls to contain soil for the tree. This increased the risk of water infiltration into the basement and additional waterproofing had to be introduced to tank a retaining wall condition. It also increased the amount of external wall area which had to be made weathertight. However, the services engineer required a location for a sump pump in order to pump all of the drainage from the basement. The tree pit was chosen as the location for this feature because the building regulations did not allow a foul drain to be serviced from inside the building (let alone a clinical healthcare building), and an external manhole was required. This left little room for root structure in the tree pit and the entire exercize of designing around the tree pit in order to make the building work seemed futile as a result. It was at this stage in the project when there arose a conflict between the architectural designer and the services engineer symbolised by the sump-pump manhole and the tree in the drawing at right). This conflict revealed the powerlessness of the project manager to make a value judgement which would result in a solution to what became a lenthy conflict on site and a prolonged conflict between disciplines. In an architect lead project, leadership of the design team is fundamentalto stimulate cooperation and strategic to everyone's interests.
Chapter 3- Planning a Functional Brain Imaging Laboratory
The following statement is the press release which The Devereux Partnership released to be published regarding A Functional Imaging Laboratory Construction of an international centre for research into the human brain is about to commence on site at The Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London VVC 1 . The new functional imaging laboratory, funded by The WellcomeTrust and the Leopold Muller Estate, will confirm the UK's reputation as a leader in the field of research into the workings of the brain. The laboratory will use powerful new techniques for detailed Imaging of brain activity, Including Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Located alongside the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, the centre will have access to the large patient population from one of the world's leading neurological hospitals. The design involves the complete replacement of the existing structure at 1 2 Queen Square and the retention of a stone plinth to the lower three floors. Above this level, the facade is new and constructed in brickwork. The main entrance is at ground floor level with the patient waiting area overlooking a landscaped courtyard, which is on two levels, allowing natural light Into the lower ground floor area. The attic storey accommodates plant and is set back from the main facade to reduce its visual impact. The roof covering is copper.
Budget: 40M ( 4M- construction)
Architect: The Devereux Partnership
Project Manager: Mace Ltd.
Services Engineer: Zisman Bowyer & Partners
Structural Engineer: W.S.P. Kenchington Ford
Equipment Supplier: Siemens Pic.
Press statements can be expected to simplify a project, but with some closer inspection into this statement, some of the complexities of the project become more apparent. The first aspect of which is most obvious, -international centre for research into the human brain- -which describes the complex use of the building but also describes the complexity of the equipment, most of which was designed in Germany. In fact the equipment manufacturer supplied the architects with information from it's UK subsidiary, information that originated from the German based headquarters. This was generally the case except information pertaining to radiation containment, which was a concrete bunker designed in the US and approved by the German headquarters to be approved by the Camden Council approved radiation protection officer, who was a nuclear physicist at University College Hospital. Another Indication of complexity of the project in the Press Statement is the expression "the centre will have access to the large patient population" and "the main entrance Is at ground floor level" ... whlch appears to show that patients will arrive at the main entrance on ground floor level and proceed into the building and have their brains scanned, In fact the main entrance is near ground floor level, 550mm below ground floor level. This condition is thanks to retention of the existing Plano Nobile, whose off street entrances both coincide with the previous building's ground floor level. If you are a patient suffering from advanced stages of Parkinson's disease, you will probably arrive to the site in a wheelchair. This requires some form of ramp to negotiate 550mm, Owing to other access requirements in the underpavement transformer room, this ramp could not be located outside the building. Inclusion of a ramp inside the main entrance was unacceptable because the client required a close circuit television security lobby inside the main entrance. This left the side door for non-ambulance access across a ramp inside the building. This ramp had to be cast into the top of the 550 ton concrete radiation shield without reducing protection from Gamma and neutron radiation. (See section above) The design and the complete replacement of the existing structure at 12 Queens Sq. and the retention of a stone plates to the first three floors is a statement in the press which simplifies the fact that nearly all of the existing building is replaced. "this level the façade is new" -which is to suggest that the brickwork will be new but the only changes in the fenestration of the upper facade are the sill heights of the slightly larger windows than those of the original building (shown below). This Is due to a four month long dispute with the Bloomsbury ConseNation Group who took exception to the proposal to change the facade to 3.5 meter bays. Preservation of the stone Piano Nobile at No.1 2 Queens Square seNed the project with more than just complications of reaching under-pavement seNices and disabled access to the building, it introduced the stones themselves which make up the wall as a found object. Once disassembled, they required safe transport from the site to safe storage and catalogued before being shipped back to the site for replacement at the appropriate stage of construction by stonework subcontractor Stonewest ltd. No. 12 Queens Square 19 Stonewest was required to do a detailed photographic & measured suNeyof the wall.Once re-erected, the procedure of building on this wall with brick to complete the elevation will produce a that will resemble a drawing that the Conservation Society's Architect drew. The comparison of the finished product to the original drawing will be a test ofthe resolve of the Bloomsbury Conservation Group. There is no comparison between the stainless steel ledger supported brickwork that occurs above first floor in the new wall and the structure of the original wall that was primarily load bearing. According to the construction programme this event will take place after the steel frame has been constructed and the in situ reinforcedconcrete base to the wall has been completed. It will then be up to the architect to decide if the stones have been replaced in the correct sequence and if any stones have been damaged, that they have been replaced with authentic Portland stone and not just finely mixed precast concrete. It is possible that this aspect of the walrs retention causes more problems than was antiCipated at design stage. The architect originally specified that .,.where lower ground floor windows needed to be blocked in that they should have been coursed through with new stones. The project manager suggested that this specification was an onerous and costly exercise for the stonework contractor who could complete the replacement more cost effectively by rebuilding the stonework as was, then fill in the original openings with stone or rendered blockwork as in a Georgian blind window. The original specification was then modified to this suggestion and the package was tendered on this basis. The existing building was constructed early this century as a convent. The upper floors contained numerous bedrooms or cells of minimal dimensions. The communal rooms were on the lower floors. The building presents it's main elevation to Queen's Square facing east. This elevation has suffered bowing due to subsidence of irs internal steel columns which are ill founded while the external walls are load bearing and supported by underpinned shared foundations. As a result the main facade has had to be restrained.
The original wrought iron balcony is in poor condition. The brackets which cantilever out of the masonry are founded deep within the wall construction and will be difficult to extract without damaging the stonework which the planners require to be replaced intact. Many other such complications would have been overcome had the architects been able to proceed with their plan to demolish the entire building and build a newwall based on three 4.5M bays or four 3.5M bays with steel windows of high standard ·W20· Critall construction. These proposals were answered by a drawing sent to the architect by the planners which was drafted by an architect associated with the Conservation Group. This proposal retained the Plano Nobile and adjusted the vertical spacing between windows of the upper stories according to new floor to floor heights of the new construction behind. Compliance with this drawing was required by the planners before any recommendation could be made by the planning officer assigned to the project by the council to the planning committee. Serving the Laboratory with access for pedestrians, gas, electricity and water would have been less difficult if planning consent had allowed a new-bulld main facade. The fact that the convent facade was retained presented enormous complications for the consultants involved with designing a way through for handicapped access, and building services. Because of the height of the Radiation shield in the lower ground floor, it was impossible to match the existing ground floor height with the proposed.

Location Plan- The Bloomsbury District is one of the most sensitive conservation districts in Central London.

Project Site- Queen's Square
"Queen Square is a garden square in the Bloomsbury district of the London Borough of Camden, England. Queen Square was originally constructed between 1716 and 1725. It was formed from the garden of the house of Sir John Cutler baronet (1608-1693), whose last surviving child, Lady Radnor, died in 1697 leaving no issue. It was left open on one side for the landscape formed by the hills of Hampstead and Highgate.
Queen Charlotte and treatment for George III
Queen Square, Bloomsbury in 1786
The fields to the north reach as far asHampstead
In the 21st century the church of St George the Martyr 1706 at the far left is readily identifiable as are the first few houses beyond the corner of Cosmo Place now containing 'the Queen's larder'
The square was previously named Queen Anne's Square because a statue contained within it was misidentified as depicting Queen Anne. This statue is now believed to be a portrayal of Queen Charlotte, wife of King George III.
George III was treated for mental illness in a house in Queen Square towards the end of his reign. The public house on the southwest corner of the square, called 'the Queen’s Larder' was, according to legend, used by Queen Charlotte to store food for the King during his treatment.
The church, dedicated to St George the Martyr, was built following public subscription in 1706. The church's rector from 1747 to 1765 was the famous antiquary William Stukeley (1687-1765) whose rectory was next to the residence of the Duke of Powis.[1]
Late 19th Century
Built in the early 18th Century as a fashionable area by the mid 19th Century it had attracted many French refugees and the shops of sundry booksellers and print sellers and had become a favoured centre for charitable institutions including the Roman Catholic Aged Poor Society and Society of St Vincent de Paul. Gradually the mansions were turned into hospitals and other institutions.[1]
Buildings in the 20th Century
Many of the buildings surrounding the square are devoted to providing, researching and administering health care. Two hospitals, the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN), often referred to synechdochally as 'Queen Square', and the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (formerly the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital), make up the east side of the square. The Institute of Neurology, part of University College London (UCL), is located in the north east corner of the square. The former Institute for Public Health takes up much of the north side - the building is now used as the administrative centre for the NHNN and Institute of Neurology.
Several buildings on the west side of the square are devoted to medical research and are part of the Institute of Neurology and other departments of UCL. These include Alexandra House at 17 Queen Square which houses the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit. The Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging (commonly referred to as the Functional Imaging Laboratory (FIL)) are located at 12 Queen Square. 8-11 Queen Square (Sir Charles Symmonds House) houses the Dementia Research Centre on the first floor and the Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases on the ground floor.
At the southern end of the square is the church of St George the Martyr, the Mary Ward Centre and the former Italian Hospital, now part of Great Ormond Street Hospital (whose main buildings are in Great Ormond Street, off Queen Square)."
-Narrative gratefully borrowed from Wikipedia

St. John's House- Elevation
An unlisted early 20th Century convent adjoined and was owned by the Institute of Neurology. This building was occupied by nurses of the National Hospital and had been planned to be decanted and demolished in preparation for the F.1. L. Project. Its existence within the surrounding Preservation Area became a source of conflict. A local conservation group attempted to have the building and a large plane Tree in the rear of the site listed by the D.o.E. Neither were listed buildings but pressure from the Bloomsbury Conservation Society provoked the planners to ·suggest- that the portland stone which formed the Piano Nobile should be retained if possible- intact and if not possible, then each stone surveyed, catalogued, and rebuilt as part of the main facade which should resemble the existing building as much as possible. The drawing above describes the existing main elevation onto Queen's Square.

St. John's House- An Edwardian Covent (demolished)
The appearance of a medical building is usually a major Issue to both the users of the building and the Inhabitants of the environment as well as the funding body. Medical buildings are often located in sensitive contexts. In this case, the Bloomsbury Conservation Group was happier to submit a drawing prepared by themselves for the main elevation than they were to accept the solutions put forward by the designer. Nevertheless, the architects were allowed to design the inside the building according to the wants and needs of the users of the building. This exercise resulted in months of general arrangement development that tended to frustrate the technical needs of servicing the building. Unfortunately, the strategic idea behind the design of the building had little participation by the services engineers to prevent the afore-mentioned architectural features from obstructing the flow of ductwork. Notwithstanding, such features aided in the penetration of natural light into the basement and generally improved the quality of light and space in the lower three floors.

Plan of demolished building above, new construction below.
The "before and after" analysis on this project is more dramatic when viewed in section than it is in plan. All of the usual considerations, rights of light for adjoining owners, overlook issues for rear yard neighbors, and historic preservation goals all informed the plan, even though radiation from a particle accelerator, dramatic changes in level of the interior and geotechnical constraints affecting the project due to hydrology were the more dominant technical challenges.

The Piano Nobile of St. John's House was conserved.
A local conservation group attempted to have the building and a large plane tree in the rear of the site listed by the Department of the Environment. Neither were listed buildings but pressure from the Bloomsbury Conservation Society influenced the planners to suggest that the portland stone which formed the Piano Nobile should be retained if possible- intact and if not possible, then each stone surveyed, catalogued, and rebuilt as part of the main facade which should resemble the existing building as much as possible.

Lower Ground Floor- Neurological Equipment Intensive Level
a) The Mri Suite, b) The Pet Camera, c) The Particle Accelerator (cyclotron), d) Ancillary functions to the above, d1-the plant rooms, d2-the MRI computer room, d3-the radiographers office, d4-the preparation room, d5-the radio-pharmacy, d6-the treatment room, d7-the electrical substation, d8-the radioactive oxygen reservoirs, d9-the electronics workshop

The Mri Suite-
*The magnet weighs approximately 15 tons and is founded on an independently piled raft which may not subside by more than O.06mm. It is approximately the same size as a car with a head clearance of 3700mm.
*The shielding requirements of the magnet make it possible to scan the tissue of a human being without any interference from the presence of moving ferrous objects (such as cars) or from the presence of radio frequency (such as Radio 1). Materials such as Pure Iron Sheeting shield from other ferrous objects and copper sheeting from radio frequency.
*The servicing requirements of the magnet require that the humidity of the room in which the Magnet is sited must not fluctuate more than 10 degrees degrees centigrade ... that there must be 6 air changes In that room per hour. .. and that various gasses and electricity must be supplied to the room through the various shields without compromising the integrity of those shields.
*The installation requirements of the magnet make it necessary that the wet trades of the building construction must be completed and sufficiently dry before the magnet may be delivered to the room ... also the magnet ships to the site in the form which is most compact but must still be able to fit into the room despite ifs size ...
*The effect of the magnetic field upon the environs of the laboratory and the adjacent properties means that no person wearing a pacemaker may approach the near vicinity if the magnet. That conventional computers and viewing screens may not be used near the magnet because of the magnetic media which they employ. The MRI computer room is sited next to the MRI examination room (as shown above) and encodes signals from the magnet into intelligible data which may be examined by the researchers of the laboratory. It also contains a helium reliquification plant which is used to conserve vaporized helium after cooling the magnet.

The PET Suite- The PET camera builds a 3 dimensional model of the brain by detecting the movement of radiated blood through the arterial system.
*The Pet Camera (positron emission tomographer) is a scanner which follows the path of radio-nucleids in the blood stream of the patient. The Radlo-nucleids are injected into the patient's bloodstream or by inhaled radiated oxygen. The patient receives this treatment in a special treatment room, the location of which is critical in the programming of the Pet suite.
*lfs shielding requirement involves the use of boronated block-work because of the presence of the a radioactive patient in the examination room. *It's servicing requirements are unique to the PET exam room because of exhaled radionucleids, the air extract is dedicated to this room and discharges high level above the rooftop. All other air-change requirements are similar to the MRI exam room. There are also unique service connections between the PET and the Cyclotron including a lead shield pipe which serves the exam room with radiated oxygen. There are numerous electrical servicing requirements. It's installation requirements are less demanding than the MRI scanner in that there is no extreme slab movement requirements and the machine is easier to deliver to the site.
*the effect of the radiation upon the environs of the lab is to cause restricted access to unauthorized personnel in a variety of zones within the basement level. The procedure of simultaneous scanning on both machines is made more difficult as a result of their close proximity to each other. This is due to the constraint of the size of the site and not due to a lack of programming rigor.

The Particle Accelerator (Cyclotron)- A radioactive equipment space that uses concrete to contain gamma radiation.
*the "target' is the location of the machine itself, the spot from which all gamma & neutron radiation emanate. It is responsible for the geometry of the maze which confounds the radiation from exiting the bunker and causing a health risk to people.
*The amount of radiation output by the cyclotron is considerable enough for the nuclear physicists which designed the shield to call for 500 tons of concrete to encase it.
*Materials which "slow down" gamma radiation have been specified to be admixed into the concrete at strategic points around the cyclotron such as the roof and the comers of the Maze. These materials vary but generally, a material known as "barytes" (extra high density aggregate) is being used in the roof and corners, and boronated plastic is used to line the walls of the maze.
*Geometry of the maze began as a contorted path around the mass of concrete which makes up the bunker but evolved into a simpler more usable shape which was rectangular and became so with the introduction of boronated plastiC to line the walls of the maze.
*The mass of the bunker required excessive underpinning of both the adjacent party walls to shore up the party wall foundations by an additional 2500mm.
*Foundations of the bunker consist of 24 piles spaced 2mm on centre, each with a diameter of 650mm to a depth of 1.0 meters. The frequency of these piles made access to the street for gas, electricity, drainage and water supplies nearly impossible as the bunker was located at the pavement end of the site leaving a 2.5 meter corridor under the slab to locate all of these services.
*The plant rooms of the project of which there are two, are primarily dedicated to the demands of the lower ground floor functions (described briefly above). One plant room is located directly above the fv1agnet, the other is located on the fifth (top) floor of the building. A detailed description of the plant in these rooms remains outside of the scope of this case study although certain issues relevant to the coordination of consultants by the architect may arise.
*The preparation room is where the patient is prepared for intake of radioisotope. MRI examined patients may also use this room to change clothing.

The Preparation Room- is located immediately adjacent to the elevator providing short travel distance to PET exam.
*The preparation room is where the patient is prepared for intake of radioisotope. MRI examined patients may also use this room to change clothing.

Blood Analysis Room & Radio Pharmacy- spaces where radio-isotope is prepared for consumption by patient.
*The radio-pharmacy, sited next to the cyclone bunker is where the radioactive oxygen is first received, measured and contained for ingestion by the patient.
*The blood analysis room, sited next to the radio pharmacy is where patients blood is analysed for many different purposes related to the scanning process.

Underpavement Services Vaults- section showing existing and proposed construction to house a 11kV substation and radio-isotope storage.
*the radioactive oxygen reservoirs are 55 gallon steel drums located in the northermost under-pavement vault where surplus radio-active oxygen is stored and contained while Irs half life is completed. After the gas has lost irs radioactivity, the gas is purged from the drums (later moved to 5th fl.) and released into the atmosphere.
*The electrical substation is where an 11,000 volt electricity main is stepped down by transformers for use by the cyclotron, the scanners, and by general office use at the laboratory. It is divided into two explosion-proof re-inforced concrete rooms which replace the 18th Century brick vaults beneath the pavement.

Underpavement services vault- Plan showing layout of electrical equipment and storage spaces.
*The construction of these new vaults is programmed into three phases due to the fact that construction access into the site is restricted to passage over these areas. Phase 1 involved construction of the gas! water Intake room during temporary works! demolition package. Phase 2 Involved construction of the transformer room durtng foundation works package leaving existing vaults intact for construction access. Phase 3 is completed durtng subsequent stages of construction while access is gained over the cured rIc constructed phases 1 & 2. The stepped section of the building through the tree pit occurs in both north/south and east/ west planes. It also steps around the tree pit in plan so that the tree pit forms a volumetric origin which drives the simple geometry of the rest of the general arrangements so that it acts as an orienting reference for people using or visiting the building. As has already been said, it is also a source of natural light within the building which reinforces this re-orientation. How much more should a Brain Imaging Laboratory be designed to prevent the unfamiliar occupant! patient from getting lost or losing touch with his only refence to the outside world? Retention of the tight fenestration from the convent did little to sustain that reference thanks to the conservation minded, the architect has managed to achieve this strategy against all odds.

Construction Progress- Sidewalk is removed, brick vaults demolished and concrete formwork prepared for the new vaults.

Ground Floor
Programming usable space around a central external feature is a formal planning technique which worked well in this building's more public spaces on ground floor but also at basement level and at first floor level. The conditions around the tree pit on these other levels are shown in the drawing above. All being well with the strategic strength of the architectural concept, the omission of a mechanical & electrical philosophy from this concept leaves the building with a divisive landscape feature which enhances the conception by other building professionals that the architect is failing in his obligation to be practical toward other issues such as artificial ventilation and cibce standard luminaire selection. Nevertheless, there was little compromise on the principle of the tree pit. While it reduced in size dramatically from the feasibility study, it's location next to the garden wall meant that there was no way to bulkhead services along the wall without externalizing the ducts as in the Lloyds of London building In the City of London. It also blocked the passage of ducts in the ceiling between the control rooms so that additional ducts had to be introduced to deal with the diversion. Other additional costs of the tree pit were the addition of three reinforced concrete retaining walls to contain soil for the tree. This increased the risk of water infiltration into the basement and additional waterproofing had to be introduced to tank a retaining wall condition. It also increased the amount of external wall area which had to be made weathertight. However, the services engineer required a location for a sump pump in order to pump all of the drainage from the basement. The tree pit was chosen as the location for this feature because the building regulations did not allow a foul drain to be serviced from inside the building (let alone a clinical healthcare building), and an external manhole was required. This left little room for root structure in the tree pit and the entire exercize of designing around the tree pit in order to make the building work seemed futile as a result. It was at this stage in the project when there arose a conflict between the architectural designer and the services engineer symbolised by the sump-pump manhole and the tree in the drawing at right). This conflict revealed the powerlessness of the project manager to make a value judgement which would result in a solution to what became a lenthy conflict on site and a prolonged conflict between disciplines. In an architect lead project, leadership of the design team is fundamentalto stimulate cooperation and strategic to everyone's interests.